
Enjoy Undisturbed Tranquillity in the Company of your Loved Ones !

Let Prakriti deepen your bonds with friends and family by offering you both Adventure &
Serenity. Enjoy the peaceful and intimate experience of nature in luxury.

Luxurious living begins here

Step out of the ordinary and embrace the extraordinary at our luxurious sanctuary. Whether you’re craving adventure or seeking relaxation, yearning for romance or solitude, discover your own paradise with us.

Air Conditioned

Free WiFi

Swimming Pool



Double Bed

Yoga Room

Play Area

Detoxify Your Mind And Body In The Lap Of Nature

Clear Out The Urban Hustle With The Healing Of Prakriti.

At Prakriti’s luxurious haven, every moment is designed to dissolve your worries and rejuvenate your spirit. Dive into a refreshing blend of simplicity with a touch of sophistication and comfort.
From the moment you arrive, let Prakriti whisk you away from everyday hustle to a tranquil oasis. Reconnect with the pure joy and freedom of childhood, relishing nostalgic emotions in the heart of nature.
Experience undisturbed peace and serenity, deepening bonds with friends and family amidst breathtaking natural beauty. Let Prakriti be your sanctuary for unforgettable moments.

Prakriti isn’t just another luxury villa—it’s a passion project born from a deep-seated love for nature and a longing for simpler times. As the owner, I often found myself reminiscing about childhood vacations at Bagan bari, where days were filled with the sounds of nature, the warmth of family, and the joy of unhurried moments.

Detoxify Your Mind And Body In The Lap Of Nature

Clear Out The Urban Hustle With The Healing Of Prakriti.

At Prakriti’s luxurious haven, every moment is designed to dissolve your worries and rejuvenate your spirit. Dive into a refreshing blend of simplicity with a touch of sophistication and comfort.
From the moment you arrive, let Prakriti whisk you away from everyday hustle to a tranquil oasis. Reconnect with the pure joy and freedom of childhood, relishing nostalgic emotions in the heart of nature.





Perfect Stay

Whether you seek adventure or relaxation, romance or solitude, find your paradise with us.


Prakriti Is Your Perfect Getaway.

Hey there, wanderlust souls! Looking for a slice of paradise to unwind and recharge? Imagine waking up to the sound of chirping birds, the gentle rustle of leaves, and the crisp morning breeze – that’s the kind of magic Prakriti weaves.

Nestled amidst nature’s bounty, our villa serves as a tranquil haven, a place where urban hustle fades and inner peace flourishes. Here every moment feels like a gentle embrace for your soul. Because sometimes, the best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in nature.

Enjoy gaming with both indoor & outdoor sports, unwind with a massage and yoga in our rejuvenation area, take a dip in the pool or Jacuzzi, savor a barbecue, and there’s even a nearby club for more fun.


We Make Sure to Answer Every Question That Comes to Mind.

From the moment you arrive, immerse yourself in the tranquility of our secluded oasis.

Absolutely! The cost for a one-day stay is ₹25,000, which excludes food. The villa is
ideal for 8-10 adults but can accommodate up to 15 people.

We require full advance payment, which can be made via Bank Transfer or UPI/ Digital payments for your
convenience and security. For any payment-related query, please call on 8777780277

Yes, cancellations are accepted up to 48 hours before your stay. You'll receive a 50%
refund on cancellations made before this period.

Certainly! We provide a flexible menu as per your choice that includes Breakfast, Lunch, Evening Snacks,
and Dinner with both Veg and Non-Veg options. Specific items and charges will be
disclosed upon booking. Guests have the option to choose their preferred meals at the spot as per market availability. Charges as applicable.
On booking, details shall be provided.

Yes, Address ID proof like Adhaar/Voter/Passport/Driving Licence is mandatory. Without ID proof, one cannot stay at the villa.

Privacy, Safety & Security are assured – along with a full Cultural Experience !

“It’s not just the luxury that sets us apart, it’s also accountability for your uninterrupted relaxation.”

Savor unparalleled comfort and personalized service in our opulent suites, each designed to elevate your stay to new heights of luxury.


3556 Hartford Way Vlg, Mount Pleasant, Kolkata.

Mail for information:


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(+91) 01234 56789

Book Your Rooms

For any inquiries relating to my Retail and Leadership Programs*


    Happy Customer Thoughts

    Savor unparalleled comfort and personalized service in our opulent suites, each designed to elevate your stay to new heights of luxury.

    Check Our Rooms

    Escape the ordinary and embrace the extraordinary at our luxury haven. Whether you seek adventure or relaxation, romance or solitude, find your paradise with us.
    Single Room Twin Room Double Room Quad Room Triple Room

    Luxury Room

    Escape the ordinary and embrace the extraordinary at our luxury haven. Whether you seek adventure or relaxation, romance or solitude, find your paradise with us.

    Bath Tub

    Air Conditioned

    Free WiFi

    Hd Tv

    Room Drinks

    Double Bed


    Twin Room

    Escape the ordinary and embrace the extraordinary at our luxury haven. Whether you seek adventure or relaxation, romance or solitude, find your paradise with us.

    Bath Tub

    Air Conditioned

    Free WiFi

    Hd Tv

    Room Drinks

    Double Bed


    Double Room

    Escape the ordinary and embrace the extraordinary at our luxury haven. Whether you seek adventure or relaxation, romance or solitude, find your paradise with us.

    Bath Tub

    Air Conditioned

    Free WiFi

    Hd Tv

    Room Drinks

    Double Bed


    Quad Room

    Escape the ordinary and embrace the extraordinary at our luxury haven. Whether you seek adventure or relaxation, romance or solitude, find your paradise with us.

    Bath Tub

    Air Conditioned

    Free WiFi

    Hd Tv

    Room Drinks

    Double Bed


    Triple Room

    Escape the ordinary and embrace the extraordinary at our luxury haven. Whether you seek adventure or relaxation, romance or solitude, find your paradise with us.

    Bath Tub

    Air Conditioned

    Free WiFi

    Hd Tv

    Room Drinks

    Double Bed

    Single Room Twin Room Double Room Quad Room Triple Room

    Luxury Room

    Escape the ordinary and embrace the extraordinary at our luxury haven. Whether you seek adventure or relaxation, romance or solitude, find your paradise with us.

    Bath Tub

    Air Conditioned

    Free WiFi

    Hd Tv

    Room Drinks

    Double Bed


    Twin Room

    Escape the ordinary and embrace the extraordinary at our luxury haven. Whether you seek adventure or relaxation, romance or solitude, find your paradise with us.

    Bath Tub

    Air Conditioned

    Free WiFi

    Hd Tv

    Room Drinks

    Double Bed


    Double Room

    Escape the ordinary and embrace the extraordinary at our luxury haven. Whether you seek adventure or relaxation, romance or solitude, find your paradise with us.

    Bath Tub

    Air Conditioned

    Free WiFi

    Hd Tv

    Room Drinks

    Double Bed


    Quad Room

    Escape the ordinary and embrace the extraordinary at our luxury haven. Whether you seek adventure or relaxation, romance or solitude, find your paradise with us.

    Bath Tub

    Air Conditioned

    Free WiFi

    Hd Tv

    Room Drinks

    Double Bed


    Triple Room

    Escape the ordinary and embrace the extraordinary at our luxury haven. Whether you seek adventure or relaxation, romance or solitude, find your paradise with us.

    Bath Tub

    Air Conditioned

    Free WiFi

    Hd Tv

    Room Drinks

    Double Bed

    At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

    Melbourne, Australia
    (Sat - Thursday)
    (10am - 05 pm)