

Frequently Asked Questions

We Make Sure to Answer Every Question That Comes to Mind

Can I expect a clear breakdown of the daily stay cost?

Absolutely! The cost for a one-day stay is ₹25,000, which excludes food. The villa is
ideal for 8-10 adults but can accommodate up to 15 people.

Do you provide flexible payment options?

We require full advance payment, which can be made via Bank Transfer or UPI/ Digital payments for your
convenience and security. For any payment-related query, please call on 8777780277

Can I cancel my booking if needed?

Yes, cancellations are accepted up to 48 hours before your stay. You’ll receive a 50%
refund on cancellations made before this period.

Do you offer a variety of food options?

Certainly! We provide a flexible menu as per your choice that includes Breakfast, Lunch, Evening Snacks,
and Dinner with both Veg and Non-Veg options. Specific items and charges will be
disclosed upon booking. Guests have the option to choose their preferred meals at the spot as per market availability. Charges as applicable.
On booking, details shall be provided.

Are there any documents required for the stay?

Yes, Address ID proof like Adhaar/Voter/Passport/Driving Licence is mandatory. Without ID proof, one cannot stay at the villa.

Is a parking facility available?

Yes, a parking facility is available

Can I book the villa partially?

No, partial booking is not available

Are there any extra costs/ hidden charges?

There is no hidden cost as such, however, Food, and availing barbeque come at an extra pay. For any damage caused by the customer during the stay, one has to pay the price for the same.

Is medical assistance available at the villa?

Yes, we have a First Aid box stocked with basic medicines for minor medical needs to
ensure your safety and well-being during your stay.

Can I expect luxurious amenities in the villa rooms?

Absolutely! Prakriti’s bedrooms feature modern conveniences like wardrobes, en-suite
washrooms, a swimming pool, air conditioning, and stylish décor to ensure a comfortable
and elegant stay.

Do you provide recreational activities for guests?

Yes, Prakriti offers a diverse range of entertainment options. From indoor games like
chess, billiards and carom to outdoor activities like bowling, basketball, cricket and badminton, there’s something for
everyone to enjoy. Plus, we have a dedicated area for yoga and basic exercise

Can I dine in comfort during my stay?

Certainly! Our living areas are furnished with cozy sofas, and the dining space boasts a
spacious 6-seater table. For a unique dining experience, we also serve breakfast by the
poolside, blending luxury with relaxation.

Do you offer special entertainment amenities?

Absolutely! Prakriti ensures your entertainment needs are met with HD TV and WIFI
service for connectivity. Plus, indulge in luxury with our jacuzzi/swimming pool, and barbeque enhancing your
relaxation and leisure experience.

Are pets welcome at Prakriti?

Yes, your furry friends are more than welcome at Prakriti! We provide a dedicated indoor
kennel to ensure your pets are comfortable during their stay, making it a truly inclusive
getaway for the whole family. One has to abide by the rules & regulations for pets to stay at the villa.

Is there a social or entertainment club nearby?

Yes, there’s a club within walking distance from the villa, providing an additional
entertainment option for our guests during their stay at nominal chargeable basis (pay at the spot).

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)